Monday, December 5, 2016

The Probability of Pruning and The Christmas Season

       One image continues to stick with me as Advent begins.

        Its a stump.

       Are you stumped?  Seems strange doesn't it?  But again and again I seem to stumble on this humble picture of Israel, as a stump and the powerful, yet tender shoot of Jesse coming forth from its plateaued top.

      I have been hearing and seeing this image everywhere.  In the advent devotional we read.  At Church from the speaker.  I even inadvertently made stumps as candles to be gifts.  When you keep coming across the same image I suppose its good to ask God, why?  But I didn't, until it was too late . . .

     Let me explain.  I have come to see this image as a picture of pruning.  God cutting back those beautiful branches, so One branch could be revealed.  It is only branch we need.  The only branch that all branches will bow too.  Its that tender shoot of Jesse.

    It speaks of hope.  In the midst of all things axed, it shoots forth.  In the midst of a seemingly dead looking dried up log it still says, "Wait a minute!  There is still life here!  All is not lost!"    Though tender and lowly, life will come again.   God was saying it to Israel then and He's saying it to us today.

    Have you ever felt the ax on your branches?

Maybe its a lost job, or a deal that didn't go through?  Maybe its a speeding ticket on the way to church? (I might know something about this)  Maybe its a broken friendship or broken down car?  Or even something more difficult?

    Whatever it is God might be trying to get our attention.  The ax might be ready to slice off those beautiful branches so that Jesse's root may be seen again.  In the rush of self-effort we may have lost sight of Our Only Hope.  The busyness in our branches might be blocking our view to see the tender glory and beauty of our gentle Savior.

     And so sometimes He might allow the ax to swing.  We might hear those branches hit the forest floor with a crack.  But if we look for Jesse's branch, we won't lose hope.  In the midst of humbling losses we can reach for that shining stem.  If we quiet ourselves, and gaze just a bit longer we might hear His gentle voice drawing, much like those Shepherds did on that first night.  They were the few that were quiet enough to hear.

   We aren't called only to what we CAN do.  We are only called to what we CAN DO IN CHRIST.  For He will come as the Vinedresser looking to prune off the busyness, the rush, the things done without Him, so He can be revealed.  In this Christmas season, the temptation to rush is great.  But when we rush off without Him He is obligated to help us come low again, so that Branch can again be lifted high.

   He promises, "Every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Abide in me and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the Vine.  Neither can you unless you abide in me.  I am the vine and I am the branches.  Whoever abides in me and I in Him, He is that who bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. "  John 15:2-5

   So I am again learning of Him, for He is gentle and humble at heart (Matthew 11:29).   I am trying to slow down.  I am trying to resist the urge to create every Pinterest craft and buy every promising toy.  I am trying to gaze a little longer and stick a little closer.  I am trying to find the Branch, and ever learning to hold on tight.


  1. Thanks Molly, I appreciate your thoughts on branches and busyness.

  2. Thanks for your encouraging words. So thankful He continues to teach us to remain in Him.

  3. Thanks for your encouraging words. So thankful He continues to teach us to remain in Him.
