Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Let Winter Have it's Way

                         Just a few days ago, the sun was shining.  In my backyard, children were shedding their layers and jumping with glee on our trampoline in the warmth of the Spring sun.
                        But things have shifted in the air again.  It feels like winter has returned.   The chill in the air chilled us to the bone.  So, we made the last fire in our fireplace this year until winter hits again (we hope).
winter scene
Kansas City winter
                        I was able to get out to a quiet place yesterday and meditate on these things: "Whyyyyyy God do we have to have winter? "  (Can you hear the childish exasperation in my voice?)
Kansas City Winter Scene

                       As I viewed the panoramic tree line and gray overcast sky, I realized we have to let winter have it's way.  

                       What is the purpose of the winter season? 

     Winter provides a dormancy; a rest from the busyness of producing leaves and fruit.  A great internal work is being done that cannot be viewed externally.  But, the leaves are gone.  The fruit can't be produced, no matter what you do.  Even the color is washed out of the vegetation.  

      Have you ever felt like this?  No matter how hard you try, nothing externally wonderful is coming forth?  Your color is gone; the things you once found joy in are no longer a source of strength?  You might be in a winter season.  

      To the ordinary eye, it can seem like a time of death and dying.  But this is NOT true at all!  Something marvelous and purposeful is actually happening underneath the surface, in the internal structure of trees and plants.  And something wonderful might be happening in you!
Josiah, 3 years old, Kansas City, MO

         So often during this season we can get focused on all that's missing on the outside:  Outward success, financial gain, better production and maybe lack of His felt presence.  Instead, I wonder if we probed the Holy Spirit about what HE was doing IN us, we might gain a better understanding about what is happening outwardly?  

           For us, winter can be a time of drawing nearer to the fire of God's heart to find our source of warmth.  Its there, in the heat of His love, we realize our worth doesn't come from what we produce but from being His child.  We can let our roots reach deep and draw from the Water of His Word for our sustenance.  We can ask Him what changes or pruning need to be done while the cold winds blow.   If we surrender, we will see the wisdom of His ways.  

     Winter can be a time of great internal workings if we let it be.  Or we can choose the other option which will get us no where.  We can get frustrated that our dreams seem buried and our heart's desires not being fulfilled.  We can miss the whole purpose of our lack of production.  Or we can see under the surface and utilize it for The Kingdom's  richest gain.  

             See, the fruit we ultimately produce must be WORTHY.  It must be pure and truly life giving.  It can't just be weak, small, diseased and inedible.  It must come from a strong branch.  Good fruit has to come from a strong foundation.  A strong source.  And this strength only comes through the grip of winter and realizing HE is the ONE who produces this kind of fruit.  Not us.  Only the trees and branches that have felt the chill of winter and cooperated with it's force will produce worthy fruit when the Spring comes.  And it will come.  He is True.  His Word doesn't fail.  And all His promises are Yes and Amen. The Spring season will come again.  
Spring green!  Kansas City, MO
Flower, Butchart Gardens, Victoria, B.C.

Baby bird on our back deck Kansas City, MO

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