Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tackled by Goodness and Mercy

  "Wait I want to talk!"
   "No, me first."

                   My kids are arguing about who goes first as we try to have morning prayer together before they leave the house.  Its real life.  Its messy and loud.  And they are learning.

                  But finally as they settle and we snuggle, God shows up.  He can handle our chaos and in one moment step in and bring order.  He likes kids.  Wasn't it He that said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to them belongs the Kingdom."  Matthew 19:14

              Why, they are just kids?  Why, they are still learning how to behave?  Why, they are still learning?

               I think that's why.  They know they are beginning.  They know they are learning.  And in that place, they are FULLY BELIEVING.

           A Psalm has been on my heart this morning.  I am singing a song over and over in my mind.  Its not one with an upbeat rhythm.  But it has an old-timey tune.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of, the days of my liiiiiife."

      This song,  it sticks with me all morning.  His goodness and mercy stick with me too.  I can't seem to shake it.  They have all these years, I realize.  Through trouble and trial, my darkness and my disobedience (which is a thing), He has been there, clinging to me, pursuing me.  Consequences?  Sure, I have had plenty.  Darkness?  Oh yeah, had that.  Trouble and trial? I can name a few. But, His mercy and grace I have had far more.  When I really look back I can clearly see His mark, and His grip. His goodness is following close behind. 

    As we open up Psalm 23, I am struggling for words to help my kids understand what this phrase means.  I remember what a friend had told me.

      "This actually means God's goodness and mercy will hunt us down, pursue us, run after us and overtake us.  Who wants to be taken over with GOODNESS AND MERCY?" They nod and raise hands.

           One of my stronger children remarks, "I don't!"
           "You mean you don't want to have good things follow after you, chase you down?"
           "Oh, wait, I do." I think he misunderstood me.

"Remember how when Daddy chases you during hide and seek and then he finds you?  He has a big smile on his face.  He tackles you down to the ground and you guys laugh?"

       They nod in unison.

"Its the same way with God's mercy and goodness when we follow Him.  He follows us, chases after us.  Do you want that?"

        They nod again.  And we pray.

Shoo! We make it through a devotional and I am thanking God for words to say (because I have no idea what I am doing). 

   Dad calls, "I am leaving! Who wants to go to VBS?"

"MEEEEEEE!!!" They all cry as they run out the door.

       Thank God for VBS and VBS workers.  Lord bless them all.

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