Friday, March 18, 2016

How Deep Do Your Roots Run?: The Story of Two Tiny Seeds

            "I am going to get ahead of the game." I thought.  "We are going to have FUN!" I thought.  We did.  I had each of the smaller kids, Olivia and Daniel take turns planting seeds in cups I found at the dollar store the night before.  I thought I could kill two birds with one stone-begin some seedlings at the end of February just in time for spring planting and make it a science lesson for the kids.  "YES! I am ON IT!"  Sometimes I admit I have those feelings of accomplishment as a mom.  Well the sense of accomplishment lasted for a day when I realized I had no where to set the newly planted seeds inside so that they would receive enough light.  It dawned on me it would take a lot of work to build a shelf in the midst of an already hectic day.  Long story short, the seeds ended up sitting outside on a table fully exposed to all the elements . . . for three weeks.

         Life went on.  We left on a five day trip.  Temperatures spiked and dropped, as they do at the beginning of March.  Storms came and went.  Winds howled across the yard.  All the while the little seed cups were tipped over on the tray which was now filled with water.  Another failed mom project . . .

  "Mom when are we going to plant these?"  The kids asked.
  "Uh . . . I think we might have to re-do them." I explained.
  "Mom what happened to our seeds?"  They kept probing
  "Yeah, I gotta get to that. Gotta get more cups and seeds."  Which really wasn't going to happen as the pace of our life picked up.  Soccer started.  Other school projects took over.  Deadlines and details flooded our lives after we returned from our trip.

    The little tray lay a mess, with tiny vulnerable seeds exposed to storm after storm and gust after gust of wind.

    Maybe you have felt like those little seeds?  Forgotten.  Left out there to fend for yourself.  At first you were planted so snuggly in your seed bed.  Life was good.  Things were cozy.  You were soaking up the nutrients and moisture, getting fuller and fatter.  And life was starting to grow on the inside of you.

   But then the storms came.  The winds let loose on you.  You thought you wouldn't make it.  You felt exposed, vulnerable, shaken and forgotten.  The environment you thought was protected suddenly became the seed bed of testing.

    Maybe someone betrayed you?
    Maybe your expectations got crushed?
    Maybe finances are depleted?
    Maybe an unexpected event left you breathless and bewildered?
    Or maybe you have experienced the ache of loss and loneliness?

   Whatever it is I say there is hope little seed!  Do not despair! All is not lost.

   Let me explain.  We finally cleaned up the ravaged seed tray as we did some purging of the backyard to get ready for Spring.  I went outside to throw out the failed seed project.  But, as I studied each tiny seed cup I saw something remarkable.  Two little seeds had started to grow!  All was not lost.  These hardy little pearls had sprouted, even thriving!  They had actually produced life in the midst of harsh temperatures, wild storms and heavy wind.  How?

   They put down their roots.  They clung the earth around them. They soaked up the sun when it shown to warm them and soaked up the rain as it pounded upon them.  Even though they were lashed by the stormy winds they still had the GRACE to cling.

    As I contemplated these little marvels, a question came to mind:  What kind of a seed will I be?
When storms rage and testing comes, will I cling?  Will I sing?  Will I thrive in the midst of testing, even bearing fruit?  Or will the elements prove too much for me?  Will I let offense overtake me?  Will I recoil in unforgiveness?  Will I believe the lie that I am forgotten?  Or will I believe the truth that though tested, I am firmly planted in His hand?  Or Will I give up and give in and let the wind have its way?

    Apostle Paul prayed:

  "For this reason, I kneel before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.  I pray that He may grant you, according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with power in the inner man through His Spirit, and that the Messiah may dwell in your hearts through faith, I pray that you, being ROOTED and FIRMLY PLANTED in LOVE, may be able to comprehend what is the length and width, height and depth of God's love.  and to know the Messiah's love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD. "  Ephesians 3:14-19

    So go on, soak up His love!  Whether you are in the seed bed of rest or the soil of testing, go deep.  Search out His LOVE.  Reach out for His affection.  Soak up His glorious light as you choose to worship.  Hang on to ancient time-tested truths.  Cling to soul saving nutrients found in His Word.  Don't let go.  Don't give up.  Don't give yourself up to the direction of winds of this world.  Refuse to be pulled out.  Don't let the season of testing uproot you.  Know deep down that you are Beloved.  Believe that though you are shaken, you are not removed from His loving, firm grip.  Because little seed, if you stay snug planted, you will soon produce worthy and glorious fruit.  You will be filled with all the fullness of God.


  On the left, Olivia's Sugar Snap Pea seedling and on the right, Daniel's Little Marvel Pea seedling

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