Friday, May 13, 2016

Two Words: Just Come


    Its 7am and already our 4 children are awake.  Dad is trying to get (some kind of) quiet time on the back porch with his coffee.  Voices are chattering, doors are slamming, drawers are opening and shutting.  Life is swirling.  And its only 7.  

    I am reminded of a verse I read earlier in the week.  I take in a huge breath of air and release a grateful sigh.   He's here, in the midst of my lively ones.  In the midst of my messy, door slamming, baby crying, chattering house.  He's already here.  That's good news.  That would make anyone sigh with relief.  God is already here waiting for me to do just one thing.

   Here is what I read:

"Therefore, He is able to save completely all those who come to Him because He ever lives to intercede for them."  Hebrews 7:25

    Did you see it?  This morning I did.  Read it again.  There it is.  A clear delineation of responsibility.  What's He asking of me today?  Just to come to Him.  And what does He promise those who do that simple thing?  Something exceedingly great.   He promises to SAVE them COMPLETELY.  Big sigh.  Aaaah.  His burden, not mine.  And on top of that He says He is constantly, forever praying for me.  Insert another big sigh.  The crushing weight is lifted off my shoulders.

      This is the Gospel I signed up for.  This is the "weight-lifted-off-my-shoulders God" who I fell in love with.  But in a world swirling with responsibility, complex problems, busyness and sometimes confusion its easy to forget what I signed up for.  But there it is again.  His simple Calling on my life.  I wish it had a more prominent ring to it or sounded more eloquent.  After 25 years shouldn't I get some kind of edgy title (speaking facetiously)?


    Its not the way of the Gospel.  This is our inside-out God with an upside-down Kingdom who shows up in our messy lives.  The pharisees were constantly having to learn this.  In fact Jesus said to be careful of those who put heavy weights on you that you can hardly lift.  Watch out for those who pervert His simple Gospel!  Run the other way!  Steer clear of anything that makes it complicated!    (Matthew 23:3-5)

   Why?  Because He already attained it.  But He just wants us to do one simple thing.

    Two words:  Just come.

     And keep coming.

   I can hear my own version of Dory from Finding Nemo. "Just keep coming, Just keep coming . . ."

    And in even simpler terms,  He is saying keep TALKING to me.  Talk to me in the quietness of morning.  Talk to me while you do the dishes, chase children and wipe bottoms.  Talk to me in twos and threes (He really likes it when we talk to Him with each other Matt.18:19)  You can always talk to me.  You can always come.  I know you don't have it altogether yet.  I know you haven't arrived.  I will do that part.  You do yours.

  Teach your kids to come.  Tell your neighbors and your friends.  I am good.  I am gentle.  I am humble.  I am compassionate and kind.  So come.  Just do that and I will do the rest.  On top of that I will bring rest to your weary soul.    (Matt. 11:28)

    Just come.  And He will do the REST.

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