Saturday, May 6, 2017

The One Thing That Cannot be Taken

     As I was cleaning the house one day, I was talking with the Lord.  I was frustrated about some things that seemed to go south.  Then that led me to complain about some dreams that I had that seem to fizzle out.  I was frustrated about things that seemed to be  . . . taken.  Or it felt that way at least.  What was going on?  Then, that all too familiar whisper echoed deep within my spirit. 

                   “Mary chose the good part, and it will NOT be taken from her.” (Read Luke 10:38-42)

              Ohhhh.   I realized there were so many things that could be taken from me, so many things from this life which can be taken.  Jobs can be lost.  Relationships can give out.  Dreams can be lost.  Reputations can be smeared.  Money can be drained.  Even ministries can end.  Our bodies even are decaying as we speak (so encouraging, I know).  And time is a thief. 

            But there is ONE incredible thing God himself says cannot be taken away from us.  In the midst of my complaint, I felt RELIEF.  There was one thing I could invest in that no one could touch!  There was something, if I gave it time and attention, nothing could steal!  What a stunning and beautiful promise Jesus gave to Mary that day.  I can’t imagine the conversations between Martha and Mary after this dialogue with their beloved Master.   Or maybe there was just awkward silence.   I can’t imagine the feelings Martha felt at hearing her precious Lord’s words about her sister. 

                                      There is NOTHING that can steal the time we invest sitting at His feet. Jesus says  It can never be taken away.  And, we will see the most warfare trying to distract us from that place.  I know this all too well as a mom.
Martha did too . . .

          There are constant dirty dishes in the sink.  There is an unending flow of laundry.  The bathrooms are cleaned, but then I turn around and the toilet . . .

          Then there are the needs of our kids . . . endless needs.  These precious gifts require massive amounts of love, patience and sacrifice. 

                                            If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

             Why does it seem like there is so much in the way of us establishing this precious practice in our lives?  Why does it seem like all of hell wants to keep us from this place of prayer, hearing the Lord’s heart? 

          Maybe the enemy knows that when we find it, we become unshakable.  David said:

                "I have set the Lord continually before me.  Because He is at my right hand, I                                                   will not be shaken."  Psalm 16:8

            Once we establish this habit, this position, this posture, the enemy loses important ground.  Something in our lives becomes untouchable.  And it’s the most important seat in our hearts-it’s the very core of who we are.  This is where our identity flows from.  We find our true self in the eyes of our Creator.  We know who we are when we know WHOSE we are.  We know who we are when we sit before Him.



  1. Great insight! I have had a lot of things and relationships taken from me and sometimes I've felt resentful about this. This insight reassures me that I've invested heavily things that cannot be taken from me. In fact having those things taken from me has caused me to turn to the Lord and to seek Him and His Word in a deeper way. So this has been gain for me. Thank you for sharing this helpful insight!

  2. Sharon, so true! You are such an encourager! What the enemy means for evil God just turns around and makes it count to our good. He has showed us the way to the "good part". Blessings On you, Friend.
