Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Veil Torn: A New Way Opened to Us

              As we recently celebrated Jesus' life and resurrection, I thought it would be appropriate to remind my kids of the story.  As you might recall, when Jesus breathed His last on the cross, that heavy, enormous, dense curtain keeping us out of the Holy of Holies in the Temple was split in two, torn right up the middle.  Simultaneously, the earth shook, signifying that man was more than just a lunatic, criminal or a wood worker.  

  "Whoah! Really?"  My kids responded when I explained what happened.  Earthquakes and things tearing on their own! Cool!

              For us, as Christians, this is everything.  We get in for free.  Before this, only a certain high priest entered after all the prescribed sacrifices and rituals were complete, filled with a holy fear.  But now, Christ became that high priest and AT THE SAME TIME became the final sacrifice for sin.  We get in because of His wounds.  We get in because of His love.  We get in because of His sacrifice.  

              But what does it all mean?  It means we see again.   In the place we were kept in the dark about God's presence and personality, we can know Him.  Where we were shut out, unsure, fearful, now we can see.  And we can continually see.  We can continually know Him.  It's not just a one time deal.  It's a daily relationship; second to second, minute to minute ongoing dialogue with the Almighty.  And there is a good reason for this.  It's what He wanted.  He initiated it.  He longs to draw us close.  He made us for this reason; to have relationship with Him.  And in that relationship we are continually transformed.  What we behold, we become.  

           "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18

"The Veil Torn", 3'x5' oil on canvas

A Prayer for today:              
           Lord, thank you for tearing the veil so we can know you again in a daily relationship.  Open my spiritual eyes again today so that I may know you by your Spirit.  Show me who you are afresh and anew.  Erase any lies I have believed about you.  Let me be changed as I behold you.

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