Sunday, May 6, 2018

More Than a Doorkeeper

           "A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked."  Psalm 84:10

           The Psalmist knew something about the goodness of God.  He would have rather been just outside the door of Heaven, in God's courts for ONE day than live it up like lifestyles of rich and famous in this temporary world his whole life.

            He had tasted something so good he couldn't shake it.  He wanted it more than the best the world could offer.  Even just to peak in the door and get a glimpse of God's glory would be far better than the best he could find on earth.

           The Good News is that now, through Christ, the door HAS been opened.    A way HAS been made.  The Veil has been torn.  We don't just only get to peak in the door, like a mere servant.  We don't have to just sit outside the door seeing but a sliver, like hired help.  
          I can just imagine the Father saying, "Oh yes, a doorkeeper is great position, but this is going to be WAY better.  Once I send my Son, you will understand my plans.  I desire something far greater.  I will make Sons and Daughters.  I want more than servants.  I want partners, and friends."  

           Remember what Jesus said in John 15:15 . . . "I no longer call you servants because a servant doesn't know His master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends." 

we can know who He is and we can know who we are.  We can enter in now as a Son or a Daughter, approaching our Father's throne, without fear, full of boldness.    As we worship God out of this place, we can truly
     ". . . taste and see that the Lord is good!" -Psalm 34:8

"Doorkeeper" 24"36" oil on canvas.

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