Saturday, May 26, 2018

Parenthood and the Dying Seed

                 I know most of my blogs are directed at everyone.  And this one is too, but it is also specifically for parents.

                 No one told me the investment that this parenting gig would take.  I signed up years ago while I was still young, knowing I had a dream in my to be a mom.  A friend and I were talking and laughing as we realized "God convinced us of these dreams while we were young and stupid and energetic."

                   Please take that as a little comic relief.  But there is also truth in it.

               She was explaining how she had sensed a call to missions and to care for orphans from early on.  People would even speak this over her this to her at random times and places.  And she fully embraced it.  She said "yes" with all the enthusiasm that an energetic bright eyed 20 year old could contain.  Little did she know what the investment it would entail.  There would be long nights, shocking moments that would take her breath away and heartbreaking days.  But there would also be laughter and joy all mixed in at the same time.  There would be many many hidden acts done with love with no immediate results.  It was a long obedience in the same direction.  It was a marathon run, orchestrated by God to not only change these children (who have now become thriving adults) but also to change her; to forever shape her into the image of God.

               I feel the same way about parenting.  It has taken me a while to catch up to the investment this calling actually entails.  I seriously had no idea.  I just set out to be "the best mommy possible."  But when God makes this the longing of your heart and the prayer you pray, watch out! You have just signed up for the longest roller coaster ride you have ever been on.  Its filled with high heights coupled with laughter and joy and low lows that cause your stomach sink to your knees.  And sometimes the only thing you have is a prayer on your lips.  You are fully invested for the long haul; just as He is with us.  He is in it for the long haul too.  He is fully invested in a way you and I might never comprehend this side of heaven.  But He gives us reflections and avenues to learn His ways; to get a taste of his heart.  Parenting is one of those.

             Good parenting takes everything.  But its worth it.  The long sleepless nights.  The moments we so desperately need rest but we choose to get up because our child needs our attention.  It's the laundry and the quality time.  It's the the homework they bring home.    It's breaking up the arguments and learning to lead in love.  We might even need to surrender our career or our hobbies in a busy season.  This. is. hard.  We might grieve who we thought we would be.  But who we are becoming is far better.  Because we are being shaped, molded and transformed into His image.  We are becoming like The One who is fully invested and loves fully.   And that is forever.

     As I was praying about parenting, this verse stood out to me.  Parenting can feel like a death, but it is a death that leads to life and joy as we see that not only our children are being shaped, but also we ourselves are being molded too.

     "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds."John 12:24



sunflower shoot with the dead shell still attached

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