Monday, July 9, 2018

Peace in the Storm

          He isn't in he waves of emotions and the fleeting, anxious thoughts.  Nor is He in the swirling winds of confusion or the gusts of uncertainty.

          Wait for the peace, like Elijah who stood on the mountain.  He had just been through his own emotional storm. He had fled swift driven by fear, after a malicious death threat shook his soul. A storm, earthquake and fire all came before that tender whisper he was desperate to hear. Don't move until you hear that tender, kind whisper that settles your soul; that puts you in perfect peace, resounding repeatedly deep on the inside.  It's not always what you want to hear but it's always what you need to hear. 

      There was an obvious lesson for myself I apparently needed to learn again.  Recently, I had been through a storm.  The spinning thoughts and topsy turvy emotions had attempted to hang a heavy dark cloud over my soul.  But God's love is brighter.  His peace is stronger. Like Elijah, He didn't want the storm to have a grip on me, but for me to have authority over the storm.  And like Elijah, He wanted me to realize God's voice, though tender,  was still more mighty and tenacious than the fiercest of life's storms. 

          Read 1 Kings 19:9-18

      Prayer for Today:
                Lord, help us find you as our peace when the storms of this life-our circumstances, our emotions and confusion-try to rattle us.  Help us not give way, but help us find You as our place of peace, even in the midst of the storm.  Help us not act in haste, but to wait on your peace to move forward. Don't let the storms of this life have a grip on us. Show us the Truth: Your gentle voice is much more powerful and your grip is much more tenacious than any storm.


Storm over the Ozarks

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