Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Sky is the Limit: Praying Bigger Prayers

        White knuckle prayers of safety. Hail Mary's (referring to the last minute football play, not the catholic prayer). Whatever you want to call them. 

        You know what I am talking about.  We have all prayed them.  And if you are a mom you have prayed them several times a day. 

        And they work.  They really do.  God hears them. 
But I think that there is more. Let me explain.

           The other day I was praying for someone in a difficult situation.  In my heart I prayed a weak, fearful begging type prayer,
                        “Oh God just help them.”

        Then I was able to take time to get away and pray.  As I quieted myself, I could hear that gentle tender whisper.     
          “Molly, your prayers are too small.”

         I knew I needed to forget my fear and leave timidity in the dust.  
                        “Lord forgive me.”

            Suddenly a download occurred.  You know it’s when you have these incredible thoughts fill your mind.  And you know its God because you don’t typically think this way.

         I suddenly knew He could give this person more than just a little help.  He could give this person divine exponential favor.  He could give supernatural influence to lead others to Himself through their situation.  He could exalt himself through this itty-bitty problem in ways I couldn’t imagine.  He could give them supernatural peace that surpassed understanding. He could reveal the heights, depths and widths of His love for this person in a second.  

       Instantly, I knew what God was saying.  I was only praying from an earthly perspective of fear.  The situation was bleak.  But when I sat in stillness in God's presence, I instantly knew He was Lord over the situation.  God wanted me to see the resources of Heaven were behind my prayers.  He wanted to give so. Much. More.

         We are His kids and this is His Kingdom.  He likes to give His Kingdom to His Kids. He likes to move mountains, reveal His glory and provide lavishly.  He’s not afraid to use little old us.  He’s not afraid to involve us.  He is the Lord of the Universe.  All the vast stars, planets, moons and far away galaxies were created with just the breath of his mouth.  He spoke and it came.  He said it and it happened.  He’s better than a genie in a bottle or Santa Claus.  Way Better. 

A Prayer for Today:      
        Lord give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may know you.  Fill us with all boldness and help us pray God sized prayers.  Help us know you so we can believe for big things.  Forgive us for our unbelief and our small mindedness. Help us know you, really know you. 

"The Sky is the Limit" Praying Bigger Prayers from a Godly Perspective
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20

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