Saturday, February 7, 2015

"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"-Meditating on Scripture

     In my first post, I mentioned adding "sketching it" to Bible reading.  I started doing this really out of desperation.  I knew where I was . . . I was about to head into the pages of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, where I had always lost focus and quit.  Some had warned about reading the whole bible because it can cause guilt if you don't do it.  I get that, but I think there has always been this desire in me to read it from front to back.  It feels like I have only gotten snap shots here and there, but when we read it through, we get more of "the big picture".    So, I am not putting a time frame on it.  When I get done, I get it done.  Its not about speed or efficiency, but really knowing and retaining what I am reading.  It could take me 5 years, but I think I have stumbled on a way to keep me enjoying it.  

     I needed something to help keep my focus.  So I started sketching the pictures the Scriptures created in my mind as I read.  This was not a vision I was having, just to be clear.  It was just the pictures the words created as I read.  So, at the beginning of Exodus I started sketching.  And, they weren't pretty.  They were quick.  Just so I could make sure I was understanding what I was reading and seeing the details.   I surprised how much The Bible began to unfold as I simply sketched!  I was gripped and hungry for more.   God was using my little scribbles to reveal more in Bible than I had ever seen before.

    We do this same thing in our kids' ministry at our church.  Below I have attached a photo of my son's sketch of a popular verse, Ephesians 1:7.  I am including it because I think its important to see although this is about the visual dynamic,  simple works!  Its more about the unraveling of key details in Scripture and hiding His Word in our hearts than incredible works of art (though those are nice too).   Do not be intimidated.  Even kids can do this.


      In the end, I did end up "tidying up" a couple sketches and turning them into small, acrylic paintings on paper.  I really didn't have the time in that season to create huge, oil paintings on canvas (though sometime soon it would be fun!).   Even though they may seem simple to some, what God spoke to me through them personally is so meaningful to me.   I wasn't as much focused on the "elements of design" but more what I took from the Holy Spirit as I thought about the Word while creating them.  They are very special to me and I will be sharing a few of them in upcoming posts.

     Also, I am happy to share a link to one of my favorite artists, Grace Carol Bomer.  If you visit her gallery, you will notice how many of her pieces are focused on just one verse, passage or concept.  I wonder all that God is disclosing to her as she creates? Enjoy!

Noah Plants a Vineyard by Grace Carol Bomer
In the Beginning (Bereshith) God . . . Creation Series by Grace Carol Bomer
 Seed Series by Grace Carol Bomer

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