Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Well, A Place of Refreshing: Exodus 2:14-15

    As I started to sketch my way through the book of Exodus, I came to the well known portion in chapter 2 where Moses kills an Egyptian who is beating a Hebrew slave.  He hid this Egyptian's body in the sand thinking no one saw him.  But, later he realized he had been found out.  It would only be a matter of time before Pharoah would have him killed.  So he fled.

     Can you imagine the grip of fear on Moses as he fled (v.14)?  Can you imagine the mix of emotions?  Was he experiencing guilt? If he wasn't feeling guilt (because he was defending one being mistreated) was at least second guessing his actions?  This was a huge game-changer.  In one moment, he was in a position of prominence and then the next, he was just a brother to slaves, and now with a possible bounty on his head.  Where would he go?  He was leaving all he knew.  He left his family, both Egyptian and Hebrew.  He left everything.  He was all alone with so many unknowns.

     We've all been there, and maybe if we haven't we know someone who has.  A traumatic event we didn't plan for.  Maybe its an accident, sickness or loss of any kind.   Maybe it was something we even caused.  It can look like the most awful kind of awful.  The situation is bleak.  The road is dark.  The fear is gripping.   But then . . .

      It hit me.  God met him.  In this traumatic twist of events that Moses had caused, God met him.  God cared for him.  God showed him mercy.  God brought him to a WELL.

     "But Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in the land of Midian, and sat down BY A WELL."  Ex.2:15

    It was here at this well everything changed.   The game changed again.

       He sat.   He rested.  There was provision.  God provided.  Jehovah Jireh came through again.

  A well is a place of provision, a place of refreshing. In Moses' life at this moment it became a place of  redemption.

    As my eyes were opened I saw it.  God's tender mercies.  In Midian, God cared for Moses.  He not only gave him water to care for his tired body, but he gave him spiritual water as he encountered God (at the burning bush, Exodus 3).  Not only this, but he gave him a new family here.  Moses had lost those he loved.  He couldn't go back, not until it was safe.  It was at this very well, that Moses met his wife Zipporah.    In one fell swoop he had not only a new wife, but a whole new family.  He gained a father (Jethro), and his sons.   Its apparent that no matter the situation, God's mercy tracks us down, hunts after us and overtakes us (Psalm 23:6).  He treats us with undeserved kindness (Psalm 103:10)  In Psalm 130 its confirmed again, "O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows."

     God can take the most life-alternating events and when the road looks the darkest, He shows up.  He surrounds us with mercy.  He abundantly redeems.  He overwhelmingly provides.  In our broken down state, He can bring us to a WELL, a place of refreshing, a place of redemption.    


1 comment:

  1. Really good hon. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the amazing work!
