Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sometimes It Takes a Burning Bush

     Here was Moses, finally getting some peace in his life.  God had brought him to a well, a place of refreshing-in so many ways (Exodus 2:15) In Midian, he was no longer living in the deep chasm between two separate and opposing families.  He was removed from those who knew him as the King's son and also those who knew him as the son of a slave.  No one was trying to kill him.  He had taken on a new identity of sorts.  He was now in a "normal family", with a wife and sons.  Not only this, but he had come to be known as a son to Jethro.  He was so much a part of the family he was tending Jethro's sheep (Exodus 3:1).  He was thriving, being refreshed,  and maybe even resting . . .

  Maybe you have been there?  Everything seems- ahhh- right.  And perhaps you even know its a God given gift? You have faced hard ship and you have persevered through difficult seasons, but now you are in the place you have always dreamed of.  And, It seemed to take  A LOT to land here.  Peace is yours.  It might be simple, but its yours.

     And then there was this . . .

"There [Mt. Horeb] the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush." Exodus 3:2

  Right when Moses is quietly tending his sheep, God speaks.

Its miraculous, awesome, and holy.  He is required to shed his shoes, as God declares that where he is standing is Holy Ground.  Many dream of such an encounter-to be known, to be seen-as Moses was at the burning bush.  But, how does Moses respond to such a sight?

    He argues.  God announces His heart to rescue Israel.  Moses squirms.  God calls Moses near.  Moses tries to convince the LIVING GOD that His plan is flawed.  God allows Moses' hand to activate to more miracles.  And Moses' request?  "O Lord, please send someone else to do it" (Exodus 4:13).  Its quite pathetic really.  But we can also relate.  Moses was a man, just like us.  And yet the LIVING GOD does not draw back or give up.  He perseveres with Moses.  He knows Moses' heart.  He knows what's best.

    Maybe you have been here too?  You know God is asking something of you and yet you don't want to do it? 

   The stakes are too high.

   The road is too long.
   The task is too hard.

It can be like this with Jesus, our Heavenly Bridegroom.  We can receive the invitation and even love Him, but love our comfort zone even more.  Yet He is merciful.  And He is waiting and He is watching for us to arise.  And He knows we will.  He paid a high price for us to be "with Him where He is and to see His glory."  John 17:24  

And Just like Moses we will go with God and see His glory, and our heart will be satisfied.





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