One image continues to stick with me as Advent begins.
Its a stump.
Are you stumped? Seems strange doesn't it? But again and again I seem to stumble on this humble picture of Israel, as a stump and the powerful, yet tender shoot of Jesse coming forth from its plateaued top.
I have been hearing and seeing this image everywhere. In the advent devotional we read. At Church from the speaker. I even inadvertently made stumps as candles to be gifts. When you keep coming across the same image I suppose its good to ask God, why? But I didn't, until it was too late . . .
Let me explain. I have come to see this image as a picture of pruning. God cutting back those beautiful branches, so One branch could be revealed. It is only branch we need. The only branch that all branches will bow too. Its that tender shoot of Jesse.
It speaks of hope. In the midst of all things axed, it shoots forth. In the midst of a seemingly dead looking dried up log it still says, "Wait a minute! There is still life here! All is not lost!" Though tender and lowly, life will come again. God was saying it to Israel then and He's saying it to us today.
Have you ever felt the ax on your branches?
Maybe its a lost job, or a deal that didn't go through? Maybe its a speeding ticket on the way to church? (I might know something about this) Maybe its a broken friendship or broken down car? Or even something more difficult?
Whatever it is God might be trying to get our attention. The ax might be ready to slice off those beautiful branches so that Jesse's root may be seen again. In the rush of self-effort we may have lost sight of Our Only Hope. The busyness in our branches might be blocking our view to see the tender glory and beauty of our gentle Savior.
And so sometimes He might allow the ax to swing. We might hear those branches hit the forest floor with a crack. But if we look for Jesse's branch, we won't lose hope. In the midst of humbling losses we can reach for that shining stem. If we quiet ourselves, and gaze just a bit longer we might hear His gentle voice drawing, much like those Shepherds did on that first night. They were the few that were quiet enough to hear.
We aren't called only to what we CAN do. We are only called to what we CAN DO IN CHRIST. For He will come as the Vinedresser looking to prune off the busyness, the rush, the things done without Him, so He can be revealed. In this Christmas season, the temptation to rush is great. But when we rush off without Him He is obligated to help us come low again, so that Branch can again be lifted high.
He promises, "Every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the Vine. Neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine and I am the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in Him, He is that who bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. " John 15:2-5
So I am again learning of Him, for He is gentle and humble at heart (Matthew 11:29). I am trying to slow down. I am trying to resist the urge to create every Pinterest craft and buy every promising toy. I am trying to gaze a little longer and stick a little closer. I am trying to find the Branch, and ever learning to hold on tight.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Fog-Lifter: Praying for our Nation Again
"Too much talk, not enough prayer." It was that still little voice speaking when I asked God what was going on with America.
I haven't asked much, I admit it. Like everyone else I have been pretty distracted with good things-my kids, my life, my goals and my marriage. All good things.
But, I needed a breather. A thinking space. A carved-out prayer time just for a tired mommy. So graciously my husband booked a place for me to pull away for a few hours and get re-oriented after a disorienting albeit blessed year. Having a baby is a HUGE blessing, but it can bring a baby fog that can last for at least a few months (as it should).
As I asked the Lord what He thought of current events in America, I felt the grieving heart of God for His American church resound within my heart. It woke me up, to say the least. The mommy fog lifted for a moment and I knew what it meant.
The church in America was talking OUT more than UP, ME INCLUDED. For the one finger I wanted to point at the church I had 4 pointing back at me. Somehow we have been deceived into thinking that if we share our opinion on social media enough, our chosen presidential candidate will be voted in and all our problems will be over. If more and more people would just take on our opinion, we could win this thing!
Also it seems every Christian has had a different opinion about who could change this nation for the better. So now even Christians are pitted against each other in their view point. Do you see what's happening? That's right.
If the enemy can't distract us, than he will divide us. And we are still not utilizing God's precise and perfect tool. We still haven't grabbed hold of the one thing bestowed upon us that can change history.
God's plan is different than ours, as usual. His thoughts are higher than ours, as it clearly says. We are taking a wooden spoon into a surgical operation, instead of a scalpel. We are using the wrong tool. And its getting us no where.
He says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. I Chronicles 7:14
So let's do it!
1) Let's collectively humble ourselves and pray and seek His face. What does it look like? Maybe we are looking at prayer times in the wrong way? What if we look at prayer time as a blessing, not another task on our long list of duties. Get a cup of coffee, find a quiet place and direct your attention on Him. Start with 10 or 20 minutes and let it grow from there. Get addicted to worshipping Him and finding Him. Get refreshed by getting quiet. In this crazy life, He gives us a way to get refueled, but when we skimp out, we actually are the ones that suffer most.
2.)Pray! Put America at the top of your prayer list. If you are like me your prayer list is growing all the time as your responsibilities grow. (speaking to myself here)But if we just give this subject a few minutes a day-asking for God's will to be done, His Kingdom come-He will answer the collective cry of His church.
2.) Let's turn from our wicked ways. How? Again, His ways are not our ways. Let's ask Him what offends Him. He will surely tell us if we want to know. Let's find it in His word. If He shows us what is offensive to Him than surely He will help us change and steer clear.
This summer, let's press in. Let's change history! Let's use the tools He gives us for the job! For some this might also include a little fasting-giving up something that you think you can't live without, to lean upon Him in a more significant way. For some chocolate might be the thing and for others going without meat or a meal everyday is more appropriate. Lean in and ask Him. He's faithful and loves to give us, His kids, the Kingdom. (Luke 12:32)
Below are a list of 5 practical ways for a busy person to include prayer for America in their day. Can you think of 5 more creative ways?
1)On a walk
2)Prayer before a meal
3)In the shower
4)Mowing the lawn
5)Driving to a destination
Friday, May 13, 2016
Two Words: Just Come
Its 7am and already our 4 children are awake. Dad is trying to get (some kind of) quiet time on the back porch with his coffee. Voices are chattering, doors are slamming, drawers are opening and shutting. Life is swirling. And its only 7.
I am reminded of a verse I read earlier in the week. I take in a huge breath of air and release a grateful sigh. He's here, in the midst of my lively ones. In the midst of my messy, door slamming, baby crying, chattering house. He's already here. That's good news. That would make anyone sigh with relief. God is already here waiting for me to do just one thing.
Here is what I read:
"Therefore, He is able to save completely all those who come to Him because He ever lives to intercede for them." Hebrews 7:25
Did you see it? This morning I did. Read it again. There it is. A clear delineation of responsibility. What's He asking of me today? Just to come to Him. And what does He promise those who do that simple thing? Something exceedingly great. He promises to SAVE them COMPLETELY. Big sigh. Aaaah. His burden, not mine. And on top of that He says He is constantly, forever praying for me. Insert another big sigh. The crushing weight is lifted off my shoulders.
This is the Gospel I signed up for. This is the "weight-lifted-off-my-shoulders God" who I fell in love with. But in a world swirling with responsibility, complex problems, busyness and sometimes confusion its easy to forget what I signed up for. But there it is again. His simple Calling on my life. I wish it had a more prominent ring to it or sounded more eloquent. After 25 years shouldn't I get some kind of edgy title (speaking facetiously)?
Its not the way of the Gospel. This is our inside-out God with an upside-down Kingdom who shows up in our messy lives. The pharisees were constantly having to learn this. In fact Jesus said to be careful of those who put heavy weights on you that you can hardly lift. Watch out for those who pervert His simple Gospel! Run the other way! Steer clear of anything that makes it complicated! (Matthew 23:3-5)
Why? Because He already attained it. But He just wants us to do one simple thing.
Two words: Just come.
And keep coming.
I can hear my own version of Dory from Finding Nemo. "Just keep coming, Just keep coming . . ."
And in even simpler terms, He is saying keep TALKING to me. Talk to me in the quietness of morning. Talk to me while you do the dishes, chase children and wipe bottoms. Talk to me in twos and threes (He really likes it when we talk to Him with each other Matt.18:19) You can always talk to me. You can always come. I know you don't have it altogether yet. I know you haven't arrived. I will do that part. You do yours.
Teach your kids to come. Tell your neighbors and your friends. I am good. I am gentle. I am humble. I am compassionate and kind. So come. Just do that and I will do the rest. On top of that I will bring rest to your weary soul. (Matt. 11:28)
Just come. And He will do the REST.
Friday, March 18, 2016
How Deep Do Your Roots Run?: The Story of Two Tiny Seeds
Life went on. We left on a five day trip. Temperatures spiked and dropped, as they do at the beginning of March. Storms came and went. Winds howled across the yard. All the while the little seed cups were tipped over on the tray which was now filled with water. Another failed mom project . . .
"Mom when are we going to plant these?" The kids asked.
"Uh . . . I think we might have to re-do them." I explained.
"Mom what happened to our seeds?" They kept probing
"Yeah, I gotta get to that. Gotta get more cups and seeds." Which really wasn't going to happen as the pace of our life picked up. Soccer started. Other school projects took over. Deadlines and details flooded our lives after we returned from our trip.
The little tray lay a mess, with tiny vulnerable seeds exposed to storm after storm and gust after gust of wind.
Maybe you have felt like those little seeds? Forgotten. Left out there to fend for yourself. At first you were planted so snuggly in your seed bed. Life was good. Things were cozy. You were soaking up the nutrients and moisture, getting fuller and fatter. And life was starting to grow on the inside of you.
But then the storms came. The winds let loose on you. You thought you wouldn't make it. You felt exposed, vulnerable, shaken and forgotten. The environment you thought was protected suddenly became the seed bed of testing.
Maybe someone betrayed you?
Maybe your expectations got crushed?
Maybe finances are depleted?
Maybe an unexpected event left you breathless and bewildered?
Or maybe you have experienced the ache of loss and loneliness?
Whatever it is I say there is hope little seed! Do not despair! All is not lost.
Let me explain. We finally cleaned up the ravaged seed tray as we did some purging of the backyard to get ready for Spring. I went outside to throw out the failed seed project. But, as I studied each tiny seed cup I saw something remarkable. Two little seeds had started to grow! All was not lost. These hardy little pearls had sprouted, even thriving! They had actually produced life in the midst of harsh temperatures, wild storms and heavy wind. How?
They put down their roots. They clung the earth around them. They soaked up the sun when it shown to warm them and soaked up the rain as it pounded upon them. Even though they were lashed by the stormy winds they still had the GRACE to cling.
As I contemplated these little marvels, a question came to mind: What kind of a seed will I be?
When storms rage and testing comes, will I cling? Will I sing? Will I thrive in the midst of testing, even bearing fruit? Or will the elements prove too much for me? Will I let offense overtake me? Will I recoil in unforgiveness? Will I believe the lie that I am forgotten? Or will I believe the truth that though tested, I am firmly planted in His hand? Or Will I give up and give in and let the wind have its way?
Apostle Paul prayed:
"For this reason, I kneel before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named. I pray that He may grant you, according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with power in the inner man through His Spirit, and that the Messiah may dwell in your hearts through faith, I pray that you, being ROOTED and FIRMLY PLANTED in LOVE, may be able to comprehend what is the length and width, height and depth of God's love. and to know the Messiah's love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD. " Ephesians 3:14-19
So go on, soak up His love! Whether you are in the seed bed of rest or the soil of testing, go deep. Search out His LOVE. Reach out for His affection. Soak up His glorious light as you choose to worship. Hang on to ancient time-tested truths. Cling to soul saving nutrients found in His Word. Don't let go. Don't give up. Don't give yourself up to the direction of winds of this world. Refuse to be pulled out. Don't let the season of testing uproot you. Know deep down that you are Beloved. Believe that though you are shaken, you are not removed from His loving, firm grip. Because little seed, if you stay snug planted, you will soon produce worthy and glorious fruit. You will be filled with all the fullness of God.
On the left, Olivia's Sugar Snap Pea seedling and on the right, Daniel's Little Marvel Pea seedling
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