Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Chaos to Peace in Thirty Minutes

Chaos. Pure chaos.

     Just being honest but this is sometimes the state of house about 30 minutes before Dad comes home in the evenings. Mom (moi) throwing dinner together, 2 year old sitting on the table, and someone spills a glass of milk on the carpet.  It may have been okay all day but it's like their internal Dad clock begins to alert them that it's time for him to return.

     And just as I whisper under my breath, " Help me God." The door creaks open and in walks our beloved hero Dad. Relief and joy covers all our faces.  The kids begin to tug on his legs and spew details about their day as he listens with animated facial expressions.

Peace returns. Shalom peace. Tension and stress dissipate.

That's the power of a father's presence.

That's a picture of the Heavenly Father's presence.

That's where I get a picture of it. But I realize this is not everyone's experience. Where do you need to experience it? Where do you need to know His shalom peace?  Is your internal Dad clock going off inside? Do you long for the love, affection and all surpassing peace really only The Father can give?

Maybe even the word "Dad" or "Father" stirs up mixed emotions.  What was represented to you did not equate to who your Heavenly Father really is.  But I am trusting in a Big God who can bypass our  pain related to our wounds and speak to us about who He really is.

    He's a Father who comes home, happy.
    He's a Father who affectionately listens to you talk about your day.
    He's a Father who really really likes you. You hold a special part In His heart.
    He's a Father who turns chaos into peace by His presence.

In Wisdom of Tenderness Brennan Manning writes,

"Do I wholeheartedly trust that God likes me?  . . . If you too can answer with gut-level honesty, 'Oh yes, the Father is very fond of me, ' there comes a relaxedness and serenity, a compassionate attitude toward  yourself in brokeness, that elucidates the meaning of tenderness."


Found these pics.  Josiah, age 2, and his nose kisses.

A Prayer for Today:

       Father, Give me understanding of how you see me today. Show me a picture of your love for me.  Show me the unending affection you have for me. Let me rest in knowing you always take delight in me. Help me press in to the superior pleasure of knowing you. Help me rest in your all surpassing peace today.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet and TRUE Wisdom Post Molly, Luv 'n Huggs <3 >>>Tears, Passion, In Yeshua ~anthony, Olam Convocation of Ministries~Friend of The Bridegroom.
