Friday, January 30, 2015

Making a WAY in the Wilderness

       Years ago, I found myself smack dab in the middle of a wilderness.  Maybe you couldn't tell by looking because much of my "wilderness" consisted of a battle in my mind.  I was struggling through a lot of internal issues in college and God wanted to set me free.  I knew that much.  But, I felt very stuck. like I was in quick sand, constantly trying to analyze my thoughts and take them captive.  I wasn't going anywhere very fast.  

      After crying out to God for several months He began to reveal to me one of the reasons I felt SO stuck.  

       In Isaiah 43:19 He says, 
      "Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert."  

    In my study Bible commentary on this verse, the writer describes the "road in the wilderness" in another way: "The Lord would give the exiles an unobstructed route back to the Promised Land." (NKJV Study Bible)

      Wow, I love that.  "An unobstructed path" was exactly what I needed.  And only God can give it.  But, what was MY Promised Land?  Maybe more Joy?  Maybe more clarity in my thoughts and less self-condemnation?  

      But God's plan was even better than that.  He convicted me that in order to have those things I needed to return to HIM wholeheartedly. I needed to lay down this introspection and stop thinking on "things too wonderful for me" (Psalm 131).  It had been good for a season to let God purge me of bitterness, fear of man and pride, amongst other things.  But, now I was stuck in SELF focus, not GOD focus.  After He showed me a specific issue, I needed to come back.  I needed to ask forgiveness or forgive myself and move on.  I didn't need to spend one more moment dwelling on my sin after I confessed it (unless it involved making amends with a person).  Once I confessed something to God, I needed to "return to the Lord".  

     Love, joy and peace is found in One place.  Its only found in a Person, as we SET our minds on Him.  How do we do it?  Worshipping Him.  Concentrating, meditating on His Word.  Learning to dwell in Him.  Seeking Him corporately.  Rejoicing in painful and difficult situations (Phil. 4:6-7).  Sometimes this comes easy.  But sometimes it is purely an act of will and a choice, without a lot of feeling.  It can take a sacrifice of our time, too.  And it can be uncomfortable to get alone with God.  But, when we choose to SET our minds on Him, it is a mind stayed on peace (Is. 26:3).  The dust settles.  The negative emotions cool down.  Clarity comes.  And God makes for us, "an unobstructed route back to the Promised Land".   HE is our Promised Land.  He is our peace.  


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