Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weak Prayers Count

     I was so encouraged this past week.  At church, I was talking to a young couple about being tired and how I knew I wasn't getting enough water and drinking WAY too much coffee.  I told them how I had been able to stop drinking it in other seasons but felt so stuck, and definitely addicted.  Three cups a morning was beginning to be my normal and then maybe I would sometimes have another in the afternoon.  The husband was telling me how he would give it up for a season if he felt he was having too much.  I told them I couldn't do it.  I was stuck.  Seriously, there was nothing in me that felt even the glimpse of faith to put it on the shelf for a season, even though I was needing to.  After I had Daniel it had been my mainstay and something I HAD to have to get me through the day, or so I thought.

     The next day after the church gathering I finally felt the inclination to let it go.  I went to the store and bought a tea that promised more energy.  I know you could say I just went from one addiction to the other, but just for the record, the tea tastes terrible.  I would gladly let it go if something better came along.  But, it was nice to have something hot in my hand early in the morning.

     A week later, I was able to share this tiny testimony with this couple.  I told them I was shocked I even had even had the grace to do the next step because coffee had been such a normal part of my routine.  I had an inkling maybe they prayed for me.  Sure enough, the wife responded, " I did pray for you, but it was just a weak little prayer."  She prayed something like a "one-liner" asking God to help me get off coffee.

   Wow!  Touched again by God's great desire to answer the prayers of His kids!  He loves to encourage us in our walk of prayer.  So often we think that it has to be fancy or we have to be in "deep intercession" for our prayers to count.  No, He hears it all.  He loves it all.  He longs to answer it all.

   Whether we are doing dishes, working a job, spending time with loved ones, we can pray.  We can talk with God.

  I was reminded through this of the simplicity of prayer.   Prayer is just talking to God.  Its a way to invite Him into our daily life and incline our ear to what He might be up to.  It doesn't have to be fancy or eloquent.  He just wants our fellowship.  He wants to encourage our hearts that He hears us . . . all the time.  


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