Friday, January 16, 2015

The Word Alive!!

   This year, I am trying to successfully read through the Bible.  You see, by design, I am more of a "free spirit" and studying (getting alone, pressing through page upon page of reading) has not been "my thing".  Don't get me wrong.  I did it.  I went to college, got the grades, passed the courses and read the assignments.  But, I can't say I relished the thought of studying and reading.  And, well, getting through God's Word was just another task on the long list of reading assignments that I could never finish . . . until lately.

     In the last couple years a hunger has grown in my heart to digest more of God's Word.  Its not just a huge, ominous assignment anymore, but in the deepest parts of me, His Word, has finally become a love letter.

     Through some practical teachings from 7Thunders, and other Bible teachers, I have learned to meditate on the words in the Bible.  Its not a Zen thing, but a Jesus thing.  As I do the simple things over and over again (***Read it, Write it, Say it, Sing it, Pray it . . . oh and Sketch it) His Word takes root in my heart, comes to life and then in turn, gives life to others (through prayer and encouragement).  His Word is real and He intends that every minuscule portion of it be regarded.  All of it is flawless, enduring and LIVING.  That last one is important because it means that it has the power to CREATE something new, even though it is from the Ancient of Days.  It goes on and on and on to do His work.  It never comes back empty when uttered and does the task it was released to do.  All of creation hangs on His spoken word.

     So welcome to my blog, welcome to my life and welcome to my journey deeper into God's heart.  I want to (hopefully) express some of the life-giving things God's Spirit has revealed to my heart from  . . . you guessed it, The B-I-B-L-E~The Bible.

*** A principle in meditating on God's Word introduced from the ministry of 7Thunders is abbreviated RWSSP and that mean you first READ a portion of Scripture, then WRITE it, SING it, SAY it, and then PRAY it.  You can find materials on this subject on the website link above.

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