Friday, January 30, 2015

The Season of the Desires of Our Heart

God is good.  God is a Father.  God is a good gift giver.

   He gives the gifts that are good for our heart.  He enjoys it too!  Think of a someone wanting to throw a huge surprise party for special person they love.  That is how God loves to give.  He eagerly waits to answer our cry, our heart's cry.  Our heart's desires.  

    "Therefore the Lord waits, that He may be gracious to you."  Isaiah 30:18

   Sometimes this seems so far off.  Difficult things happen.  Our dreams get crushed.  Our hearts are tested.  Are we in this just to get the gift or to know the Gift Giver?  We give our weak yes in the hard season, fighting off the temptation to give up on hope.

   But, the truth remains.  He gives us the desires of our hearts.  He knows it will renew us and refresh us and keep us encouraged for the long haul, as it says in Psalm 103: " [He] who satisfies your soul with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."  

    Many have said that this describes the process of the eagle who continually comes to the rock and hits his talons on the ROCK to break off the dead skin.  Soon, after the breaking, new, youthful skin appears.

    It feels this way in some seasons.  Constantly coming again and again to the place of testing.  Our endurance getting strengthened.   Constantly coming to the ROCK.  Our patience being formed.  Constantly getting crushed.  Our faith being refined.  And then finally, change occurs and behold . . . the new thing appears.

    As we choose in the mundane or difficult season to "Delight ourself in the Lord . . . "  secretly, quietly, intricately,  He is planning.   He is waiting.    "And He shall give you the desires of your heart".   And it will be good.  And it will be refreshing.  And it will be fulfilling.

   God is good.  God is a Father.  God is a good gift giver.

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